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FLONA do Tapajos/Tapajos National Forest

According to the Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC) a National Forest is characterized by a sustainable multiple use of the natural resources of the woodlands and a scientific research that emphasizes on methods for an environmentally compatible exploitation of native forests.

The TNF is a federal conservation area administered by the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio). It was founded in 1974 and encompasses an area of approximately 545,000 ha. The TNF is located in the western region of Pará. Its territory is limited to the west by the Tapajós River and to the east by the highway from Cuiabá to Santarém (BR-163, situated between kilometers 50 and 211). In the north it is part of the municipality of Belterra and includes further areas of Aveiro, Rurópolis and Placas.

This protected area, where the Amazon and the Tapajós River meet, is rich in natural resources, unique sights and beautiful landscapes.

The residents of the TNF live mainly in communities along the Tapajós River. The local people and their communities are represented by municipal and traditional associations of the TNF.

There is also the unit’s management team that works on developing the potential of the communities by encouraging the progression of experiences regarding the nature as well as the correct use of resources. The team also aims to disclose the TNF for a scientific research institute as well as a development site strengthening this protected area.

Impressions from a walk through the National Forrest

It's also possible to spent one or more nights at the forrest

Just whatsapp or call us for more information about the possibilities

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